There is a magical unfolding that seems to occur when groups gather do this work of learning to live wholeheartedly, to love wider and deeper, to include ourselves in that care and compassion.
Your life is your path to walk - but to know there are others walking theirs alongside us has a galvanising effect.
Letting ourselves be seen, just as we are creates a deep connection in the bones of our 'being human-ness' that remains long after the gathering has completed and the glue has dried on our creative projects :)
About Daring Greatly™
Daring Greatly™ is a highly experiential training based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. This powerful, intensive work has been designed to support the transformation of individuals, families, groups and organisational leaders in developing shame resilience and helping them show up, be seen and live braver lives.
I am a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator (which includes intensive training in both Daring Greatly™ and Rising Strong™). Living this way is a practice - and I continue to be a student, as well as a teacher of, the curriculum.
The curriculum is designed to dive in and dig deep into the things that get in the way of us living an authentic life - one where we feel SUPPORTED, BRAVE, PURPOSEFUL, and FULLY ALIVE. The workshops use video footage of Brene, storytelling and experiential exercises in a group setting. During the process we explore topics such as trust, vulnerability, courage, self-compassion, empathy, shame and worthiness.
We examine the thoughts, emotions and behaviours that are holding us back and we identify the new choices and practices that will move us toward more authentic and wholehearted living. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing daily practices that transform the way we live, work and lead.
Which one is right for you?
Daring Greatly™ - is for you if you want to be braver with your life, understand better where you are hiding, armouring up, or holding yourself back, how to ask for the support you need, and transform your relationship with vulnerability.
It is perfect for you if you want to get clearer on what matters most to you, what courage looks like, and how to be unapologetically you in the world.
Daring Greatly™ is designed to be delivered in person, over 3 days. Click here for the learning outcomes.
Rising Strong™ - is for you if you have struggled with disappointment, failure or heartbreak and want to know how to use your struggle as a call to courage, and write a brave new ending for your story. If you're a leader, it will help you with developing the resilience required to get back up after a fall or disappointment. Click here for the learning outcomes.